Health Coaching

Welcome to Health Coaching. As a health coach I work with a wide variety of people to help them reach their health and wellness goals and to motivate and empower them to lead happy, healthy and purposeful lives. I call my approach to Heath Coaching ‘Holistic LifeCare’ as I believe that our goal for a healthy life incorporates multiple areas. Nutrition and exercise have been on the health radar for quite some time but the importance of stress reduction, sleep, our immediate environments, lifestyle choices, spirituality and more are gaining equal weight. I have been exploring yoga and meditation and their benefits for quite some time and felt that studying and becoming a health coach would allow me to work with more people this Holistic LifeCare way. My own health and wellness quest has been an ongoing journey, with being an overworked corporate manager, then an exhausted new Mom, then recovering from open heart surgery. I faced health problems and it became very clear to me that I have to take good care of myself the most natural and organic way possible so I can be around for a long time for my family, particularly our son. Everyone has at least one motivating factor they can name that make them pause, reflect on their well-being and decide to do something about it. What or who is your motivation? I have structured my Health Coaching program offerings that it can fit everyone’s needs. Together we identify the areas most helpful to your own growth, health, and happiness!

Individual Coaching:

I offer individual coaching for the period of six months (special cases three months). It takes about six months for changes to become lasting. My Health Coaching program is customized to each client’s needs, but all programs include bi-monthly 60 min consultation sessions either in person or online (Skype, WhatsApp), information provided about nutrition (food, eating habits, shopping, cooking etc.), holistic living, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Beyond that our sessions could also include grocery store tours, cooking demos, private yoga class, meditation, use of essential oils, meal planning, green exercises, and give aways that support the client’s needs. The benefit of working with me individually is that my attention can focus on the client’s unique needs, and we can alter and adjust our journey as needed as we go through our time together.

Group Coaching:

I also offer group coaching programs as well, where I work with 6-12 people around a topic that all participants are interested in. For example, Switching to Plant Based Eating, 21 Day Cleanse, Holistic Living etc. One of the great benefit of working within a small group is to share the experience and find accountability within the group. The duration of these programs varies.

Semi-Individual Coaching:

During semi-individual coaching I offer coaching two people at the same time. We follow the structure of the individual coaching program but it allows the participants to learn from each other, to support one another and also to be great accountability partners. For best results, pairs can be from the same household, friends, colleagues with similar health goals. Having another person going through the same process as you can be very beneficial and supportive for each participant.


NEW 6 week Intensive:

Dedicate 6 weeks of your life to grow, become more educated about your health, and feel better. Great time period for trying out a new life plan; creating your bio-individual nutrition and life style blue print. We will call upon Veganism, Vegetarianism, Paleo, Keto etc. and all the mindfulness practices. This format has 6 weekly meetings.